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Dr. Jay Grossman, Renowned Dental Expert, Highlights the Crucial Importance of Timely Dental Care

Dr. Jay Grossman, Renowned Dental Expert, Highlights the Crucial Importance of Timely Dental Care

Dr. Jay Grossman

LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES, January 22, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Dr. Jay Grossman, a revered dental expert and founder of Homeless Not Toothless with decades of dental practice, underscores the critical nature of addressing dental issues promptly. He stresses delaying treatment results in adverse consequences for the patient. Dental problems do not disappear without proper care.

“Dentistry is unique in consistently reminding patients about the preventive measures needed to avoid pain and additional expenses,” says Dr. Grossman. “After 34 years of practice, the one thing I know about dental issues that you can take to the bank is that problems do not go away without intervention; the amount of pain and cost to fix dental issues only goes up as time goes on, and the possibility of losing a tooth increases without care.”

Despite this, he notes that many individuals tend to postpone dental treatment due to three common reasons: fear of pain, lack of time, and limited resources.

Grossman’s insights echo the sentiments of Tricia Quartey-Sagaille, a spokeswoman for the American Dental Association (A.D.A.) and a practicing dentist in Brooklyn. Quartey-Sagaille acknowledges the tendency of individuals to delay dental visits, often assuming that the absence of pain implies healthy teeth.

“I don’t receive birthday cards from many of my friends, but I do from my dentist. A smiling tooth wishes me a happy birthday and a reminder to make an appointment. Yet I’ve postponed my last three visits, having somehow convinced myself that, like cleaning the gutters on my house, I’ll just put it off until there’s a problem,” Quartey-Sagaille confesses.

The A.D.A. does not prescribe a fixed schedule for dental checkups, recognizing that frequency may vary for individuals. However, Quartey-Sagaille and other dentists consulted unanimously agreed on the essential need for regular dental visits.

Dr. Grossman assures that completing necessary dental care and maintaining a good home care regimen, including simple brushing twice daily and nightly flossing, can lead to long-term maintenance. Regular checkups with a dentist and hygienist at least twice a year are integral to this maintenance plan.

Dr. Jay Grossman, Founder of Concierge Dentistry and the visionary behind “Homeless Not Toothless” since 1991, has provided over $10M in dental services to 124,000 needy patients. With licenses spanning 42 states, including an Expert Certification in Florida, Dr. Grossman is a trusted authority on the standard of care.

In addition to his philanthropic endeavors, Dr. Grossman boasts extensive experience, reviewing over 1,000 cases with a balanced outcome of 52% for the plaintiff and 48% for the defense. Nearly 95% of his time is devoted to hands-on patient care, showcasing his dedication to compassionate dentistry.

To learn more about Dr. Jay Grossman and his outstanding dentistry, click here: https://www.conciergedentistry.com/

For more information about Homeless Not Toothless, click here: https://www.homelessnottoothless.org/

Amanda Kent
Boundless Media USA
+1 313-403-5636
email us here

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/682327261/dr-jay-grossman-renowned-dental-expert-highlights-the-crucial-importance-of-timely-dental-care

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